Third Annual Spring Workshop
May 14, 2021 - online
The third annual Spring Workshop was held as an online event for all cities in California and Japan on May 14, 2021. The theme was “Citizen Diplomacy through Technology and Innovation.” Approximately 200 people registered, representing 63 California cities and 9 Japanese cities. Of those attendees, around 20 people participated from Japan, and 22 JET Alumni were present. The event offered networking opportunities and tips on how to use virtual platforms to keep sister city connections strong. Once again, the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco generously acted as the main host and emcee for the event, and we are grateful for all the support they provided, as well as the support given by the Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles.
The event began with breakout rooms based on CJSCN regions, so that people from organizations in the same areas could network and get to know each other. Next came words of welcome from California State Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins, San Francisco Consul General Toru Maeda, Los Angeles Consul General Akira Muto, and CJSCN Board President Meg Mizutani. CJSCN was proud to receive a Consul General's Commendation from Consuls General Maeda and Muto in recognition of our work in connecting sister city organizations between California and Japan. We are humbled to receive this award, and look forward to continuing expanding and strengthening our network and resources for all California-Japan sister cities.
Following the opening remarks and a second breakout room, representatives from the San Diego-Yokohama Sister City Society gave the event's keynote presentation, which highlighted some of the many innovative ways they are using virtual tools to stay connected with their sister city. The presentation was chaired by Dr. Michael McQuary, who introduced Mr. Shinya Koibuchi from the Yokohama Board of Education and Dr. Lamont A. Jackson from the San Diego United School District. Next, Mr. Edward Park gave a presentation on "Cultivating Partnerships" between sister cities, in which he emphasized the need to be proactive in reaching out to counterparts in Japan, especially since staff often change on a regular basis. Ms. Cheryl Gillette-Lunsford, a teacher in San Diego, spoke about the great successes of the high school Japanese Club she leads, and how they have used a variety of apps and online platforms to enhance their activities. Mr. Owen Miller, the student leader of the Japanese Club, expanded on Ms. Gillette-Lunsford's presentation, and went into detail about how the students study Japanese and use their language skills to connect with their counterparts in Yokohama once a month. In particular, one of their projects has been to translate a children's book written by 14-year-old childhood cancer survivor Mr. Shiro Eshima, who was also part of the presentation. Finally, Mr. Nash Salas and Japanese teacher Ms. Kyoka Hashimoto spoke about the after school program opportunities that focus on Japanese language and culture learning, and how they connect with their sister city.
Lastly, attendees were given the chance to network and chat during a second, themed breakout room session. Using the new Zoom capabilities, attendees were free to move between rooms at will, allowing them to participate in multiple topics and speak with more people.
CJSCN would like to once again express our deep gratitude to the fantastic consulate staff from San Francisco and Los Angeles who made the Zoom event possible; to our fabulous sponsors for making our activities possible; and to all of the wonderful sister city volunteers who came to hear the presentations and participate in the discussions, both from California and Japan. We could not have hosted this event without all of your support. We look forward to seeing everyone again at one of our 2021 fall events - possibly even in person!
comments from participants
“Thank you to everyone who presented and to Sam Diego for sharing insights to continue inspiring ways we can better connect with our Sister Cities.”
“Excellent workshop. Thank you all so much!”
“This was my first workshop. Thank you all very much. Very impressive work on everyone's part.”
“This was a terrific event, spotlight and collaboration of great ideas between our fellow sister city people.”
Links to presentations & resources
Recording of full event on Youtube
2021 Virtual Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival spotlight video for CJSCN
Information about Mr. Shiro Eshima’s story and projects
Article about Mr. Eshima in the Asahi Shimbun
Facebook page, Instagram page, Twitter page, and Youtube page for his cancer support group
Website for his cancer support group
Amazon Japan link to buy his book
Youtube video of conversation between Mr. Eshima and Mr. Owen Miller
CJSCN President Meg Mizutani gives welcome remarks.
California State Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins gives welcome remarks.
San Francisco Consul General Toru Maeda presents CJSCN with a Consul General’s Commendation from the San Francisco and Los Angeles Consuls General.
Los Angeles Consul General Akira Muto gives welcome remarks.
Slide from Mr. Owen Miller’s presentation on learning Japanese, as part of the keynote presentations from the San Diego-Yokohama Sister City Society.